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Paul’s Channel | Well-being in Hong Kong

Paul’s Channel

How to break the cycle of child poverty in Hong Kong, where one in five children are poor

By | Experts' Opinion, Paul's Channel | No Comments

Children who grow up in low-income households tend to have less access to opportunities and therefore are more likely to remain poor in adulthood. The fact that poverty often crosses generational lines makes the problem much harder to tackle.

According to the Hong Kong Poverty Situation Report, there were some 180,000 children (aged below 18) living in poverty in 2015. The child poverty rate was 18 per cent, which meant that nearly every one in five children were living in poverty. Compared with other developed economies, the child poverty rate in Hong Kong is relatively high. It stands at 3.7 per cent in Denmark, 9.8 per cent in Britain, 15.1 per cent in Australia and 21.2 per cent in the US. Read More

Hong Kong must treasure and protect its core values, including ‘one country, two systems’

By | Experts' Opinion, Paul's Channel | No Comments

Jenny Huen & Paul Yip

In recent years, relations between different political camps and between different stakeholders (including the government) in Hong Kong have become increasingly strained and polarised. One of the fundamental reasons behind this phenomenon may be a difference in core values. So what are the values that Hong Kong people uphold, and how do they differ across political affiliations? Read More

Redirect Hong Kong’s welfare spending to reach its most needy

By | Experts' Opinion, Paul's Channel | No Comments

Paul Yip

The Commission on Poverty provides detailed figures on the situation in Hong Kong and has just released the fourth update to the poverty line since it was set in 2013. The poverty line is set at half the median household income, according to household size. Those living below it are considered poor. As it is in relative term, there will always be a certain proportion of the population below the threshold. Read More

創建共享價值 突破商業界限

By | Experts' Opinion, Paul's Channel | No Comments


上個月筆者參與香港賽馬會慈善信託基金舉辦的「慈善共創 都市聚焦」國際慈善論壇,此論壇聚焦「共享價值」(shared value)議題,講者們講述很多商界「善有善報」的成功例子(doing well by doing good),這些善舉不單捐贈盈餘,還展現出商界對社會的承擔,企業如何回應社會充滿挑戰性的需要,如何通過與非政府機構和整個社會創造「共享價值」,一同突破原有資本主義商業營運的限制。 Read More